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Reputation Management

Why Would I Need Online Identity Protection?

Reputation management for LASIK surgeons has been a widely misunderstood concept for several years now. There are many software services out there for a small monthly fee that promise the world. Typically you get a software that helps you identify the problem areas. Although this is very important do not expect a scanner software to fix the problems of bad reviews on vitals or YELP, bad newspaper articles or lawsuits by patients that have been posted on the Internet. If you have bad reviews or lawsuits posted on the Internet you should pursue a proactive strategy because the reactive approach will take time to come into play. Everyday your patients see these negative pages on the web is another day you are losing patients and damaging your reputation.

“If you do not control your brand someone else will!” – Matt Jensen, Vance Thompson Vision

Some of the reputation services we offer include:

  • MDidentity scanning software
  • Consulting and strategy for page 1 removal of negative results
  • How to overcome negative LASIK reviews
  • Reputation enhancement with website and review sites
  • Online profile with

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Reputation Management Consulting

This service is a custom developed strategy to push back or rid the first pages of Internet searches that have negative results. Depending on the degree of negative results we will enact a series of strategies ranging from new page creation, to personal engagement, to web video indexing, to local search indexing, to map indexing and even to paid link building and link expansion.

There are more opportunities than ever before to quickly rank negative or slanderous results. If you don’t protect yourself, someone can easily post a comment, make a video, create a blog post, file a complaint, promote your competition, develop a hate site and more. Or even worse, an angry employee will leave the company with revenge on their mind and reek havoc with to yours. Managing your online reputation isn’t shameless promotion, it’s a means of defense and best practice.

1.Protecting your name – The protection of your name is a very important part of identity protection. The first step we do is to buy 5 renditions of your name and store these domain names for a long period of time. If you wish to develop web content on these domain names glacial multimedia is happy to assist with this process. Additional name protection measures include registering with the main social media websites like facebook, myspace, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google pages. The main idea in regards to the social media action is to prevent someone else from hijacking your name.

2. Identity cleanup – The identity clean process typically consists first of status report designed by Glacial Multimedia that involves finding all of the negative results and creating an action step plan to deal with each detrimental issue one by one. This status report and action plan can be implemented directly by our company if the client feels the actions will result in positive impact. Glacial Multimedia can create this report before the implementation process is started. No matter who is scheduled to be the cleaner a well documented road map and strategy is essential for success.