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619 brighton ave
portland, me 04102
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Lead Generation

Focusing on Websites and Lead Tracking Systems That Work to Generate Leads. Many LASIK practices focus on the top methods of lead generation but at Glacial Multimedia we focus on lead generation MIX and proper lead management with the MDprospects lead generation software. Call us today and we are happy to discuss your marketplace potential. We will create a winning strategy and deploy this strategy over the course of 6 months, 1 year or longer.

“My website leads dramatically increased after working with Glacial Multimedia and our search engine presence went from nothing to excellent”. Richard Lindstrom, MD – Minnesota Eye Consultants

Top 10 Internet Marketing Activities

The following items have been ranked with research from Glacial Multimedia, Inc., Google Analytics, Emarketer, Pew Internet & American Life Project, and HubSpot.

  1. Paid Search Marketing/Remarketing
  2. Email Newsletters
  3. Organic Search Engine Optimization
  4. Social Media Optimization
  5. Mobile Website / SMS
  6. Video Optimization (VSEO)
  7. Local Search
  8. Physician Reputation Management
  9. Conversion Optimization
  10. Expansion of BLOG